Bates, William. Eighteen Duettino's for Two Guittars; Two French Horns, or Two Clarinetts, London, c. 1770. (All 18 of these Duettinos are presented at this link.) (Here is a home recording of the Duettino XV that was played during the workshop.)
Bremner, Robert. Instructions for Playing the Guitar, with a collection of airs, songs and duets fitted for that instrument, Edinburgh, c. 1758.
(The Highland March)
Light, Edward. The Art of Playing the Guittar, London, c. 1785.
(A Duet for two Guittars or a Guittar and a Violin)
Schumann, Frederic Theodor. A second Set of Lessons for one and two Guittars, London, c. 1765. (Andante)
Straube, Rudolf. Three Sonatas for the Guittar with accompaniments for the Harpsichord or Violoncello composed by R. Straube, with an addition of two Sonatas for the Guittar accompanyd with the Violin, likewise a choice collection of the most favorite English, Scotch and Italian Songs for one or two Guittars of different authors, Properly adapted for that Instrument; also Thirty two Solo Lessons by Several Masters, London, c. 1768. [Facsimile reprint published in 1979 by Chanterelle.] (Allegro)
Created on October 20, 2006 by John Goodin : last update November 26, 2013.